package simulation import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "math" "math/rand" "sync" vector "moxitech/drone/simulation-go/pkg/vector" "moxitech/drone/simulation-go/utils" "" // R-Tree для пространственного индекса ) type UAV struct { Path map[int][]float64 Speed *vector.Vector3 Freq float64 // Частота передачи Radius float64 // Радиус покрытия в километрах } type CGS struct { Position *vector.Vector3 Radius float64 // Радиус покрытия в километрах Frequency float64 // Частота передачи в МГц } type Simulation struct { elevationDefault float64 distanceDefault float64 uavs map[int]*UAV cgs map[int]*CGS heights map[string]float64 // высоты в формате "lat,lon": высота idGen func() int timeline []int mutex sync.Mutex rtree *rtreego.Rtree results []SimulationResult } type SimulationResult struct { Time int `json:"time"` UAVs map[int]UAVResult `json:"uavs"` CGSs map[int]CGSResult `json:"cgs"` } type UAVResult struct { Position *vector.Vector3 `json:"position"` Freq float64 `json:"frequency"` Radius float64 `json:"radius"` DataRate float64 `json:"data_rate"` } type CGSResult struct { Position *vector.Vector3 `json:"position"` Radius float64 `json:"radius"` Frequency float64 `json:"frequency"` } func NewSimulation() *Simulation { return &Simulation{ elevationDefault: 85.0 * (math.Pi / 180), // 15 degrees in radians distanceDefault: 1000.0, // km uavs: make(map[int]*UAV), cgs: make(map[int]*CGS), heights: make(map[string]float64), idGen: utils.GetIDGenerator(), rtree: rtreego.NewTree(2, 25, 50), // Инициализация R-Tree results: []SimulationResult{}, } } // Adding CGS (ground station) with coverage radius and frequency func (s *Simulation) AddCGS(pos []float64, radius float64, frequency float64) { s.mutex.Lock() defer s.mutex.Unlock() cgsID := s.idGen() cgsVector := new(vector.Vector3).SetOn(0, pos[0], pos[1]) s.cgs[cgsID] = &CGS{ Position: cgsVector, Radius: radius, Frequency: frequency, } s.rtree.Insert(cgsVector) // Добавление в R-Tree } // Adding UAV with its path and coverage radius func (s *Simulation) AddUAV(path map[int][]float64, speed []float64, radius float64) { s.mutex.Lock() defer s.mutex.Unlock() uavID := s.idGen() speedVector := &vector.Vector3{X: speed[0], Y: speed[1], Z: speed[2]} freq := 5030 + rand.Float64()*(5090-5030) // Генерация частоты в диапазоне 5030-5090 МГц s.uavs[uavID] = &UAV{ Path: path, Speed: speedVector, Freq: freq, Radius: radius, } for _, p := range path { pos := new(vector.Vector3).SetOn(p[0], p[1], p[2]) s.rtree.Insert(pos) // Добавление позиций в R-Tree } } // Removing UAV func (s *Simulation) RemoveUAV(id int) { s.mutex.Lock() defer s.mutex.Unlock() delete(s.uavs, id) } func (s *Simulation) GetPosition(uav *UAV, time int) *vector.Vector3 { // Determine known time slices keys := make([]int, 0) for k := range uav.Path { keys = append(keys, k) } if _, exists := uav.Path[time]; exists { return new(vector.Vector3).SetOn(uav.Path[time][0], uav.Path[time][1], uav.Path[time][2]) } // If out of known range, use speed to estimate position if time < keys[0] || time > keys[len(keys)-1] { initialTime := keys[len(keys)-1] initialPosition := &vector.Vector3{ X: uav.Path[initialTime][1], Y: uav.Path[initialTime][2], Z: uav.Path[initialTime][0], } deltaTime := float64(time - initialTime) speedComponent := uav.Speed.Scale(deltaTime) return initialPosition.Add(speedComponent) } // Otherwise interpolate keys = append(keys, time) keys = utils.Sorted(keys) idx := utils.IndexOf(keys, time) temp := new(vector.Vector3) temp.RerpVectors( &vector.Vector3{X: uav.Path[keys[idx-1]][1], Y: uav.Path[keys[idx-1]][2], Z: uav.Path[keys[idx-1]][0]}, &vector.Vector3{X: uav.Path[keys[idx+1]][1], Y: uav.Path[keys[idx+1]][2], Z: uav.Path[keys[idx+1]][0]}, float64(time-keys[idx-1])/float64(keys[idx+1]-keys[idx-1]), ) return temp.Copy() } // Setting timeline configuration func (s *Simulation) SetTimeline(conf []int) { s.timeline = make([]int, 0) for i := conf[0]; i < conf[1]; i += conf[2] { s.timeline = append(s.timeline, i) } } // Calculating Great Circle Distance (to account for Earth's curvature) func GreatCircleDistance(v1, v2 *vector.Vector3) float64 { lat1, lon1 := v1.Y*(math.Pi/180), v1.X*(math.Pi/180) lat2, lon2 := v2.Y*(math.Pi/180), v2.X*(math.Pi/180) dlat := lat2 - lat1 dlon := lon2 - lon1 a := math.Sin(dlat/2)*math.Sin(dlat/2) + math.Cos(lat1)*math.Cos(lat2)*math.Sin(dlon/2)*math.Sin(dlon/2) c := 2 * math.Atan2(math.Sqrt(a), math.Sqrt(1-a)) R := 6371.0 // Радиус Земли в км return R * c } // FreeSpacePathLoss Calculating Free Space Path Loss (FSPL) func FreeSpacePathLoss(distance float64, frequency float64) float64 { return 20*math.Log10(distance*1e3) + 20*math.Log10(frequency) - 20*math.Log10(3e8/frequency) + 32.44 } // Determining Line of Sight (LoS) // Function to represent Line of Sight (LoS) check considering terrain and Fresnel zones func (s *Simulation) HasLineOfSight(v1, v2 *vector.Vector3) bool { // Расчет расстояния и средней точки между v1 и v2 distance := GreatCircleDistance(v1, v2) midpoint := &vector.Vector3{ X: (v1.X + v2.X) / 2, Y: (v1.Y + v2.Y) / 2, Z: (v1.Z + v2.Z) / 2, } // Проверка высоты на средней точке для оценки наличия препятствий key := fmt.Sprintf("%.6f,%.6f", midpoint.X, midpoint.Y) terrainHeight, exists := s.heights[key] if exists && midpoint.Z < terrainHeight { return false } // Проверка первой зоны Френеля fresnelRadius := FresnelZoneRadius(distance, v1.Length(), v2.Length()) if midpoint.Z < terrainHeight+fresnelRadius { return false } return true } // Calculate the radius of the first Fresnel zone func FresnelZoneRadius(distance, height1, height2 float64) float64 { wavelength := 3e8 / 5.06e9 // Средняя частота 5060 МГц return math.Sqrt((wavelength * distance) / (height1 + height2)) } // Calculating connectivity between UAVs and CGSs func (s *Simulation) CalculateConnectivity() { for _, uav := range s.uavs { for time := range s.timeline { uavPosition := s.GetPosition(uav, time) if uavPosition == nil { continue } for _, cgs := range s.cgs { distance := GreatCircleDistance(uavPosition, cgs.Position) if distance <= uav.Radius && distance <= cgs.Radius && s.HasLineOfSight(uavPosition, cgs.Position) { fspl := FreeSpacePathLoss(distance, uav.Freq*1e6) // Используем частоту UAV в МГц snr := 100.0 / (fspl + 1) // Примерный SNR для расчетов modulation := s.CalculateModulation(distance) dataRate := s.CalculateDataRate(modulation, snr) fmt.Printf("\u0412ремя %d: UAV на позиции (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) может подключиться к CGS на позиции (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) с потерями %.2f дБ, модуляция: %s, частота CGS: %.2f МГц, скорость передачи: %.2f Mbps\n", time, uavPosition.X, uavPosition.Y, uavPosition.Z, cgs.Position.X, cgs.Position.Y, cgs.Position.Z, fspl, modulation, cgs.Frequency, dataRate) } } s.results = append(s.results, s.CollectResult(time)) } } } // Calculate Modulation Scheme Based on Distance func (s *Simulation) CalculateModulation(distance float64) string { if distance < 500 { return "64-QAM" } else if distance < 1000 { return "16-QAM" } else if distance < 2000 { return "QPSK" } return "BPSK" } func (s *Simulation) CalculateDataRate(modulation string, snr float64) float64 { var spectralEfficiency float64 switch modulation { case "64-QAM": spectralEfficiency = 6.0 case "16-QAM": spectralEfficiency = 4.0 case "QPSK": spectralEfficiency = 2.0 case "BPSK": spectralEfficiency = 1.0 default: spectralEfficiency = 0.5 } // Подсчет пропускной способности (в Mbps) bandwidth := 20.0 // Пропускная способность канала в МГц dataRate := bandwidth * spectralEfficiency * math.Log2(1+snr) return dataRate } // CollectResult collects the current state of the simulation at a given time func (s *Simulation) CollectResult(time int) SimulationResult { uavsResult := make(map[int]UAVResult) for id, uav := range s.uavs { position := s.GetPosition(uav, time) if position != nil { uavsResult[id] = UAVResult{ Position: position, Freq: uav.Freq, Radius: uav.Radius, DataRate: s.CalculateDataRate(s.CalculateModulation(GreatCircleDistance(position, s.cgs[1].Position)), 100.0/(FreeSpacePathLoss(GreatCircleDistance(position, s.cgs[1].Position), uav.Freq*1e6)+1)), } } } cgsResult := make(map[int]CGSResult) for id, cgs := range s.cgs { cgsResult[id] = CGSResult{ Position: cgs.Position, Radius: cgs.Radius, Frequency: cgs.Frequency, } } return SimulationResult{ Time: time, UAVs: uavsResult, CGSs: cgsResult, } } // GetResultsJSON returns the results of the simulation as a JSON string func (s *Simulation) GetResultsJSON() (string, error) { jsonData, err := json.MarshalIndent(s.results, "", " ") if err != nil { return "", err } return string(jsonData), nil } // Test function to create example data and run the simulation func TestSimulation() []byte { sim := NewSimulation() // Add CGSs (Ground Stations) sim.AddCGS([]float64{55.7558, 37.6176}, 100, 5060) sim.AddCGS([]float64{56.7558, 37.7176}, 80, 5080) sim.AddCGS([]float64{34.0522, -118.2437}, 120, 5035) // Add UAVs (drones) with paths and speed sim.AddUAV(map[int][]float64{ 0: {1000, 55.7558, 37.6176}, 10: {1100, 56.0, 38.0}, 20: {2200, 256.5, 78.5}, }, []float64{10, 0.1, 0.1}, 100) sim.AddUAV(map[int][]float64{ 0: {1050, 55.7558, 37.6176}, 10: {1100, 56.0, 38.0}, 20: {1200, 56.5, 38.5}, }, []float64{100, 0.1, 0.1}, 50) sim.AddUAV(map[int][]float64{ 0: {1010, 55.7558, 37.6176}, 10: {1100, 56.0, 38.0}, 20: {1200, 56.5, 38.5}, }, []float64{10, 0.1, 0.1}, 100) sim.AddUAV(map[int][]float64{ 0: {1500, 40.7128, -74.0060}, 10: {1600, 41.0, -73.5}, 20: {1700, 41.5, -73.0}, }, []float64{12, 0.15, 0.1}, 100) sim.AddUAV(map[int][]float64{ 0: {1400, 34.0522, -118.2437}, 10: {1500, 34.5, -118.0}, 20: {1600, 35.0, -117.5}, }, []float64{15, 0.2, 0.1}, 100) sim.AddUAV(map[int][]float64{ 0: {1300, 48.8566, 2.3522}, 10: {1350, 49.0, 2.5}, 20: {1400, 49.5, 3.0}, }, []float64{8, 0.1, 0.05}, 100) // Set timeline configuration [start, end, step] sim.SetTimeline([]int{0, 50, 1}) // Run simulation and print results fmt.Println("Результаты симуляции:") for _, t := range sim.timeline { fmt.Printf("\nВремя %d секунд:\n", t) for uavID, uav := range sim.uavs { position := sim.GetPosition(uav, t) if position != nil { fmt.Printf("UAV %d на позиции (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)\n", uavID, position.X, position.Y, position.Z) } } sim.CalculateConnectivity() } result, err := json.Marshal(sim.results) if err != nil { panic(err) } return result }